Monday, February 3, 2014

A Letter to My Love

A Letter to My Love

My Dearest Love,

     Do you remember the first time I told you that I love you? I do. We were not even a week into our relationship when the words tumbled from my mouth. They are still true, all of these years later. Every last one of them. We used to kid about walking into the sea together at the end of our time; a notion we picked up from my grandparents. It was never a joke for me. It still isn't. I waited all of these years for that moment.
     They say you died peacefully. They are fools. For I know it to be true that your being is still occupied by you; by your soul. I can see it in your eyes at night,big and blue. Although not as vibrant as they once were, they are still beautiful. I can't count the number of cards I have received since the townspeople heard the news. If only they knew. They send their condolences to us.
     I can still remember the day they took you away from me, said you were dead. I had kept you as best I could but the neighbor's noses eventually grew keen. They told me in most cases what I had done would be considered a crime but in my case it was different. They told me you were a victim only to time and that my actions, no matter how macabre, were understandable.
     They made me jump through the traditional hoops; wake, funeral etcetera. I waited for a few days after they placed you into the ground before I came back for you. Just enough time to allow the townspeople to visit and pay their respects, but not so much time as to allow the earth around you to compact. The rain helped me to clean you off as best I could before changing you into something more cheerful. I've always hated spending time apart from you,and this was no exception. I hope that you will forgive me for my poor timelines.
     But I have you back now, and the best part is I do not have to share you with anyone else anymore. No one is looking to bother you anymore. I made sure to tend to that hole in the ground as best I could. No naked eye could ever tell that a single blade of grass had been tampered with. I always have your best intentions in mind,dear.
     It seems as though time has gotten away from me this evening. I think I shall join you momentarily. I understand why you don't talk, or move for that matter, anymore. You have been through a lot this month. So please, for me, just relax until it is time for us to venture into the sea together at last.

     Goodnight love

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